Four biggest mistakes a landlord could make when renovating the bathrooms in their investment property

What are the four biggest mistakes that a landlord could make when renovating the bathrooms in their investment property?
We don’t need a design brief for a bathroom reno, it's simple all we need is a bath, shower, wash hand basin, w.c, and tiles. WRONG! One of the most common errors a landlord will make when carrying out renovation is making decisions around their taste – likes and dislikes. You must think of the project as a commercial environment, you must put yourself into the shoes of the customer, your tenants rather than what you personally like. Define who your customer base is and create your design brief to suit them, not yourself. You need to create a clear and concise design brief that covers everything.
Even if the bathroom has a window, we would recommend installing a fan. Many tenants fail or forget to open the window when showering, especially in winter. We all know how much moisture can be produced by taking a hot shower—just think about the fogged mirrors and the condensation that forms on windows and walls, especially when it's cold outside. If this moisture is not extracted then it can lead to a host of issues and costly repairs.
How much light is needed in the bath? The answer depends on the person and the task they’re performing. Opt for zone lighting as opposed to one central light for example – bath/shower, wash hand basin, and WC. Bathroom lights must have an IP rating.
“LEAKS” poor quality fittings can lead to a whole host of issues from leaks to mould and damage. If you use cheap domestic residential items, they will not stand the test of time and you will end up spending more by having to replace them in 2-3 years' time.