Category: Tenants

Vital referencing check on prospective tenants
Written bylianne: 16 October, 2019The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber) publishes details of all the cases it deals with including actions to evict tenants and recover sums owed from tenants for rent arrears or damages. It is vital that landlords and letting agents check this database as part of the background…
Read moreNo DSS - Property Advertising
Written bylianne: 16 October, 2019As we reported back in May, the UK Government’s Work & Pensions Committee are conducting an inquiry into letting adverts which potentially discriminate against would-be tenants on housing benefit. In light of this, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) have updated their guidance on consumer protection law for letting professionals.…
Read moreParliament call for changes to benefit system
Written bylianne: 08 July, 2019The Scottish Parliament’s Social Security Committee is conducting an inquiry into social security support for housing. The Committee is exploring how changes to the social security system are impacting on tenants and landlords. In addition to a written response (remember you need to be logged in to see this) to the committee’s…
Read more“No DSS” policies - private landlords
Written bylianne: 14 May, 2019In recent times there has been more awareness and recognition that landlords, lenders and insurers who have blanket policies of not accepting tenants in receipt of social security benefits could be acting unlawfully. This is because such a rule may discriminate against people with disabilities or members of other groups…
Read moreTips - Washing Machine Repairs
Written bylianne: 29 January, 2019Most tenancy agreements will highlight the responsibilities of the tenant to treat the property and fixtures or fittings within it with due and reasonable care. If the appliance stops working because you've overloaded it, failed to allow access for servicing, or otherwise used the item in an unreasonable manner, landlord…
Read moreTips - Electrical safety after a flood
Written bylianne: 10 January, 2019Electrical safety after a flood If you have been affected by flooding, once the water has subsided it is understandable that you will want to go straight back into your home and try to get things back to normal. However, there could be damage to the electrics in your property,…
Read moreGuidelines for Tenants re reduction of risk of Legionnaire’s disease:
Written bylianne: 15 February, 2018What is legionella and Legionnaires’ disease? - Legionella are bacteria that are common in natural (rivers and lakes etc) and artificial water systems, eg hot and cold water systems (storage tanks, pipework, taps and showers). We usually associate legionella with larger water systems, eg in factories, hotels, hospitals and museums,…
Read morePrivate Residential Tenancy (PRT) in Scotland
Written bylianne: 15 December, 2017Private Residential Tenancy (PRT) in Scotland PRT was created by the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act, the main provisions of which will also come into force on 1 December 2017. These include limiting rent increases to only one per year with three months' notice, giving local authorities the ability…
Read moreImprove your property and fight fuel poverty
Written bylettings: 09 November, 2014Home Energy Scotland informs provides information on grants and support available for private landlords to improve energy efficiency and cut bills for tenants. Making your property more energy efficient can do more than improve your Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating, it could make gas and electricity bills more affordable…
Read moreSaftey Warning about use of E-Cigarettes
Written bylettings: 09 November, 2014Scottish Fire and Rescue Service has issued the following fire prevention directorate on the use of e-cigarettes powered by lithium-ion batteries, due to increasing number of fires caused by this product. This is important advice for all homeowners and landlords to protect their homes against this identified increased risk of…
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